Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Geekspeak Season 7, Episode 3

- Bill Murray opens up about the new Ghostbusters movie and the government appoints a Copyright Czar to make sure kids stop all the downloadin' in the News of the Week. I wonder what Robbi Rodriguez has to say? Find out!
- In a hybrid Watts Upcoming / Un-Named Segment About Games We Have Been Playing, Mega Man 9 and Lego Batman are discussed and more or less reviewed - also, find out what Robbi Rodriguez likes to play when he's not utterly dominating the world of comic book art.
- And we'll also talk to the luminous and insightful Robbi Rodriguez about lots of stuff, from what he thinks about the upcoming Maintenance movie, how he got the Tek Jansen gig, and what comics he thinks are worth your time! Plus all the latest on his upcoming work, including the outer space revenge epic Frankie Get Your Gun and...well, you'll just have to find out what else we talked about, won't you?
Also, the show does have some salty language this time. There's at least one b*******, one bulls***, and maybe a f***? I don't remember. But then again, it's probably less vulgar than most things, including your grandmother. She's got a mouth on her.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Geekspeak Supplemental #13: Jake 2.5
Jacob Lahmann, saddened because he has not appeared on an episode yet in this young season, took it upon himself to record this special edition of Geekspeak. Call it Season 7, Episode 2.5. He tells you what he thinks about Mega Man and his mysterious connection to Journey, Metalocalypse, Spore, and partakes of egregious use of the word "chode". This guy might actually have a future on this show! We should totally have him on some time.
Download the "episode" now!. Trust me - it's pretty awesome. I'm sitting here and laughing as I post this.
And for the record: it was ONE hour of Mega Man. Not two.
Download the "episode" now!. Trust me - it's pretty awesome. I'm sitting here and laughing as I post this.
And for the record: it was ONE hour of Mega Man. Not two.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Geekspeak Season 7, Episode 2

The great experiment...continues!
- The Large Hadron Collider's broken, Japanese girls love them some virtual boyfriends, and Stephen F'N Chow has signed on to direct and star in The Green Hornet in the News of the Week
- Scooter heads up the most brutal segment ever in the history of Geekspeak as he kicks off new feature Scooter's Infinite (Finite?) Playlist with a look at the Dethalbum
- EA (sort of) capitulates on DRM, Konami trademarks some stuff, and the PS2 gets its first Game Boy Advance port in (sort of) Lahmann's Terms, plus all the latest game releases and such in Watts Upcoming
- And an epic, hour-long discussion about the Mega Man series in honor of this week's release of Mega Man 9 - why do Bryan and Steve Watts love it so much? And if so, why don't they marry it? Find out!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Geekspeak Season 7, Episode 1

Geekspeak returns from the mists of vacation to make the world safe once again for nerds to discuss relatively unimportant things. We're not on the radio any more, but the pip and verve you've come to expect knows no medium, as evidenced by this thunderous lineup!
- Macbooks can't run Garage Band? The director of Eagle Eye wants to take a shot at Thor? The Large Hadron Collider didn't swallow the earth in a black hole? No, you're not taking crazy pills, you're listening to the News of the Week!
- Wags loves Spore. But he hates DRM. Which will win out? If you think Wags' love for something will outweigh his hate for something, you haven't been listening long enough. It's not quite World Wide Wags but we don't know what else to call it.
- A Microsoft employee got fired for telling the truth about the system's hardware problems, Stephen Colbert releases a song on Rock Band and more as new fixture Steve Watts fills in for the vacationing Jacob Lahmann in Lahmann's Terms
- Rock Band 2 is released and we've been playing it, find out more about that and whatever else the Geekspeak crew is playing, as well as what games seek to separate you from your money in new segment Watts Upcoming!
Geekspeak Season 7, Episode 1 Coming Tonight!
Our long national nightmare is almost over, and the next episode of the now radio-free Geekspeak is almost at hand. We recorded it yesterday and all that remains is basically to score it with some music so it's not just dry vocals. That should hopefully be done by tonight, so keep an eye on this here feed and grab it as soon as it's up! Trust me - it's a good 'un.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Geekspeak Supplemental #11: PAX 2008 - A Meeting of the Minds, Pt. 2

It's the de facto largest gaming convention in America, and Geekspeak's own Steve Watts was among the teeming throngs lined up to partake of the bounty provided by Gabe and Tycho, the proprietors of Penny Arcade. (Give it a try - that little comic is gonna go places.) In true "What I Did On My Summer Vacation Style", Mr. Watts sits down with Bryan to discuss the transpirin's. Thrill to his discussion of the prank played on an unsuspecting audience by Geekspeak favorite Jonathan Coulton! Marvel at his description of Clone Wars for the DS! Seethe with jealous rage as he talks about Starcraft 2! It's all here, plus as an added treat there's some information on the upcoming seventh season of Geekspeak.
Download it now!
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