Sunday, August 23, 2009


Geekspeak Season 9, Episode 11:

New episode! In this one, we talk about Starcraft 2 DRM, find out what percentage of Twitter messages are useless, poke at Game Informer's poll showcasing astronomical failure rates for the 360, Sony's new strategy of being competitive, and new technology that could help circumvent online censorship in countries around the world. But that's all warmup for the big enchilada of the night - Mr. Jonathan Coulton's triumphant return to the show! JC's here to talk about his new album, Best. Concert. Ever., and also share his thoughts on the Rock Band Network, Portal 2, what famous dead person he'd like to play banjo for, and so much more! JC's always a great interview and you want to hear this show right now so just do it.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Geekspeak Season 9, Episode 10: Time Is An Illusion

New's only a bit late! In this episode - Steven Spielberg might be taking over the Halo movie, American cell phone bills are ridiculous, Augmented Reality is awesome, Quentin Tarantino will hopefully be getting his act together, and I think something about robots? Just listen to it and pretend this is last week. You can start here.

Saturday, August 08, 2009


Geekspeak Season 9, Episode 9: The Action Age Has Arrived

Art by Matthew Allen Smith

This is the longest Geekspeak we've done in a while, and there's a good reason - because it is epic beyond the ken of mortals. Why is that? Because none other than Chris Sims joins us for the show! Chris is the proprietor of The Invincible Super Blog and Action Age Comics, and sat down with us to talk about his work and what he likes in his comics. If you're looking for a discussion of jetpack-wearing gorillas, this is the place! Also, we updated the artificial sperm story from a few weeks back, squealed with glee over the return of the Futurama voice cast, marveled at the work of a blind New Zealand comic artist, and were instantly jealous of New Zealand jet packs. Don't ask me, that whole country just seems to be pretty awesome. Download the show now.

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