Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Geekspeak Supplemental #11: PAX 2008 - A Meeting of the Minds, Pt. 2

It's the de facto largest gaming convention in America, and Geekspeak's own Steve Watts was among the teeming throngs lined up to partake of the bounty provided by Gabe and Tycho, the proprietors of Penny Arcade. (Give it a try - that little comic is gonna go places.) In true "What I Did On My Summer Vacation Style", Mr. Watts sits down with Bryan to discuss the transpirin's. Thrill to his discussion of the prank played on an unsuspecting audience by Geekspeak favorite Jonathan Coulton! Marvel at his description of Clone Wars for the DS! Seethe with jealous rage as he talks about Starcraft 2! It's all here, plus as an added treat there's some information on the upcoming seventh season of Geekspeak.
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