Monday, September 22, 2008
Geekspeak Season 7, Episode 2

The great experiment...continues!
- The Large Hadron Collider's broken, Japanese girls love them some virtual boyfriends, and Stephen F'N Chow has signed on to direct and star in The Green Hornet in the News of the Week
- Scooter heads up the most brutal segment ever in the history of Geekspeak as he kicks off new feature Scooter's Infinite (Finite?) Playlist with a look at the Dethalbum
- EA (sort of) capitulates on DRM, Konami trademarks some stuff, and the PS2 gets its first Game Boy Advance port in (sort of) Lahmann's Terms, plus all the latest game releases and such in Watts Upcoming
- And an epic, hour-long discussion about the Mega Man series in honor of this week's release of Mega Man 9 - why do Bryan and Steve Watts love it so much? And if so, why don't they marry it? Find out!
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