Monday, September 15, 2008
Geekspeak Season 7, Episode 1

Geekspeak returns from the mists of vacation to make the world safe once again for nerds to discuss relatively unimportant things. We're not on the radio any more, but the pip and verve you've come to expect knows no medium, as evidenced by this thunderous lineup!
- Macbooks can't run Garage Band? The director of Eagle Eye wants to take a shot at Thor? The Large Hadron Collider didn't swallow the earth in a black hole? No, you're not taking crazy pills, you're listening to the News of the Week!
- Wags loves Spore. But he hates DRM. Which will win out? If you think Wags' love for something will outweigh his hate for something, you haven't been listening long enough. It's not quite World Wide Wags but we don't know what else to call it.
- A Microsoft employee got fired for telling the truth about the system's hardware problems, Stephen Colbert releases a song on Rock Band and more as new fixture Steve Watts fills in for the vacationing Jacob Lahmann in Lahmann's Terms
- Rock Band 2 is released and we've been playing it, find out more about that and whatever else the Geekspeak crew is playing, as well as what games seek to separate you from your money in new segment Watts Upcoming!
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