It's that special time of the year, a time where all people come together and everyone's a little nicer to one another, a time when children laugh and sing with joy in their hearts, a time when petty grievances are set aside for the good of all. Naturally, Geekspeak chooses to mark this holiday season by saying the word "dick" a lot. Apart from that, though, we celebrate all that is awesome about Christmas and the surrounding season by talking about cherished holiday memories, our favorite Christmas specials, and great geek gifts (though if you haven't done your shopping by now you're reaaaaallly pushing it). All this, plus none other than
Lindsey Wahowiak drops by to spread the good cheer! Oh, and by the way, you'll want to keep listening after the show's over for a very special Shorok surprise.
Download this show now, and we'll see you in 2010!
# posted by Bryan @ 10:54 PM